Empowering grassroots organizations, individuals, and local communities to advocate for environmental justice.


Ending Plastic Incineration

Plastic pyrolysis is a toxic, plastic burning technology being marketed by the plastics industry as “advanced recycling,” “chemical recycling,” “waste-to-fuel recycling,” “plastic-to-fuel recycling,” and many more names. This technology is highly polluting, emitting known carcinogens into the air that many Ohioans breathe.

The main goal? To turn plastics into fuel by any means necessary. Contrary to what the industry may write, plastic burning is fake recycling and it is a scam.

Ending Oil and Gas Waste

Oil and gas waste brine contains radioactive isotopes radium 226 and 228 which makes this highly radioactive. Some of these facilities downblend the radioactive waste with lime, coal ash, or corncobs to try and dilute the radioactivity across a larger amount of material so they can get it through to a local landfill without setting off the alarms of showing too much radioactivity. Other facilities will concentrate the brine to a point where it’s so radioactive that the levels of radiation are higher than that of Chernobyl. In both cases, these types of facilities have been proven to be unsuccessful and harmful to communities and workers alike and have shown radioactivity leaving the site.


Support the Buckeye Environmental Network’s mission to empowering grassroots organizations, individuals, and local communities to advocate for environmental justice.